PP/POM Mini Valve Mold
  • PP/POM Mini Valve MoldPP/POM Mini Valve Mold

PP/POM Mini Valve Mold

Irrigation mini valve has many different types, this type without sealing ring, it's the most popular type in the market at present, it's new design, price is cheaper, and very good quality, no any leakage, there has two different materials in the market, PP and POM, both are ok. About mini valve mold, we use standard mold base, cavity with 718H or H13 steel, mini valve body mold with 3plates design, hot or cold runner, normal 4cavity, the core use beryllium bronze is better, HRC38, better than water cooling, the mini valve handle mold also use standard mold base, normal with 8cavity, subgate, cold runner is ok. We can design one size just one body valve mold, use changable inserts to change different type, it's easy to change the cavity at the injection machine, by this way can help customer produce many different type in one mold, can save mold cost, also can use same handle for different size.As the professional manufacture, we would like to provide you high quality PP/POM Mini Valve Mold. And we will offer you the best after-sale service and timely delivery.

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About PP/POM Mini Valve Mold

Product description

Mikro ureztatzerako diseinu berriko balbula txikia, o-ringik gabe

Tamaina aldagarria

erabili changalbe txertaketa balbula gorputzaren molde berean tamaina desberdinak ekoizteko

Markaren posizioa

mini balbula heldulekuaren gainazalean

Moldearen oinarria

LKM, HASCO, DME edo bezeroaren eskaeraren arabera, molde estandarra

Barrunbearen zenbakia

mini valve body with 4 or 8cavities, handle with 8 cavities

Barrunbea eta nukleoa altzairua

718H, P20H, H13, 2316 etab.

Design software

ETA, Auto CAD etab.

Material plastikoa

PP edo POM

Moldearen atea

balbularen heldulekua azpiko atearekin, balbula-gorputza pin puntuko atearekin

Moldearen korrikalaria

Korrikalari hotza edo beroa

Cooling system

Ura hoztea edo berilio brontzea hoztea

Tratamendu termikoa

Gelditzea, nitrurazioa

Moldearen azalera

EDM, ehundura, distira handiko leunketa

Barrunbearen gogortasuna


Moldearen bizitza

> 300.000 plano


45 ~ 60 egun

Moldeen ontziratzea

Egurrezko kutxa estandarra esportatzeko



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